The Importance of Getting Revenge – Amanda Abram * Livre Anglais*

35180892._SY475_Titre : The Importance of Getting Revenge *Anglais*

Auteur : Amanda Abram

Edition : Self-Publishing (Auto-Édition)

Date de Parution : 20 Mai 2017

Public : Young Adult


Résumé :

« 17-year-old Lexi Turner has just been dumped by her boyfriend of three years—on the day she was going to, well, « do it » with him. And to make matters worse, he dumped her for a life-force-sucking demon!

Devastated by this turn of events, she decides there is only one way to deal with the situation: get revenge!

Enter Jase Holloway—Lexi’s former childhood friend and adversary to her ex. The plan is simple: somehow talk Jase into pretending to be her boyfriend to make her ex-boyfriend jealous, make him regret dumping her and make him come crawling back to her on his hands and knees, begging for forgiveness…

With Jase on board, Lexi is confident she will get the revenge she deserves. But nothing’s ever that simple, and Lexi soon finds out firsthand that sometimes what you want is not always what you get—and sometimes what you get is what you wanted all along.« 


Avis :

Il y a quelques jours, j’étais assisse en train de déjeuner en jouant sur ma tablette pendant que ma petite chienne dormait (enfin !), et pour ce qui semblait être la millième fois, j’ai eu la même publicité à propos d’un jeu d’histoire à choix multiple. J’ai fini par me décider à essayer celui-ci, après tout, j’avais un peu de temps libre. Certaines histoires en particulier était en bonus à ce moment là, du coup ce sont celles que j’ai choisi pour commencer. Une s’appellait The Importance Of Getting Revenge.

Malheureusement, c’est le genre de jeu où pour vraiment choisir ce que l’on voudrait, il faut débourser de l’argent réel pour acheter des diamants, et j’ai bien mieux où dépenser mon argent. Mais le peu que j’ai vu de l’histoire, m’avait intrigué, alors j’ai voulu savoir la fin et en cherchant sur Google, j’ai vu que l’histoire de ce jeu, était en fait celle d’un livre ! Du coup, il fallait que je le lise !

C’était encore mieux du au fait que n’ayant pas beaucoup de temps, surtout vu que j’essaie de rattraper mon retard dans presque tout (plusieurs mois sans ordinateur, ça fait beaucoup à rattraper !), un livre plus léger me semblait idéal !

Il n’y a pas grand chose à dire à propos de l’histoire, du moins pas sans la spoiler grandement, mais c’est une lecture que j’ai aimé, exactement ce que je cherchais, la petite piscine avant de retourner dans le grand bassin quoi et attention, je ne dénigre absolument pas ce genre de lecture en disant ça ! Mais parfois on a envie de nager tranquillement de se reposer dans l’eau, ou dans ce cas-ci, d’une lecture calme, quelque chose sans trop de prise de tête, facile à lire, de juste passer un bon moment avec un livre. Avec ce livre, j’ai passé une agréable après-midi à bouquiner tranquillement, et ça a fait un bien fou d’enfin pouvoir lire à nouveau !

The Importance of Getting Revenge est une romance Young Adult légère, amusante et mignonne, qui peut être lu et apprécié en étant adulte, après tout, je l’ai fait, mais je le conseillerais surtout pour les adolescentes (ou adolescents, s’ils aiment les romances), je pense que c’est la période parfaite pour le lire. Les situations de vie, certaines moralité présente dans ce livre, ainsi que la mentalité des personnages qui sont à cette même période de leurs vies, devraient en faire une lecture d’autant plus apprécié pour ce groupe d’âge ! 

Ma Note


!!! Spoilers Plus Bas !!!

Ce que j’ai aimé ?

J’ai aimé les petits indices tout au long de l’histoire, à propos du ‘secret’ de Jase, je m’en suis douté dès le premier, mais je devais continuer à lire et savoir si j’avais raison ou si je me faisais des idées ! J’ai été ravie de voir que j’avais raison d’ailleurs !

J’ai aimé les moments frère-soeur entre Lexi et Aaron, comment il essaie de la réconforter à sa manière, comment il est en colère après que Jeffrey lui ai brisé le coeur, et ce qu’il dit à propos de la nouvelle copine de celui-ci et sa soeur.

Un autre moment que j’ai adoré, c’est celui entre Eric et Lexi vers la fin. La façon dont il est là pour elle, essaie de la réconforter et d’aider. Ça le fait soudainement sortir de la catégorie « ami de Jase à peine important pour l’histoire », mais surtout, j’aime comment Lexi et lui se comprenne vu qu’ils sont tous les deux un peu dans le même cas… D’ailleurs, Trish aurait fait une grande erreur en ne lui laissant pas sa chance !

Ce que je n’ai pas aimé, ou moins ?

Je n’ai pas apprécié comment Jase finit par utiliser Kylie. Au début de mes soupçons à propos de ses sentiments pour Lexi, je pensais qu’il avait demandé de l’aide de son amie pour essayer de conquérir (et rendre jalouse) Lexi, et que les deux jouaient la comédie sur leur attirance, et je l’ai cru longtemps, mais à un moment, j’ai commencé à en douter, tout comme à beaucoup moins apprécié Kylie d’ailleurs…

Autant j’ai aimé l’amitié entre Lexi et Trish, autant j’ai parfois eu du mal avec le comportement de cette dernière. Surtout quand elle a fait certaines remarques à sa meilleure amie, assez blessantes…


Extraits :

«I was pretty sure my ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend was a life-force-sucking demon. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the facts. As soon as he began dating her, he became a shell of the guy he used to be. Once upon a time he was charming, funny, goofy, sweet and personable. That was when he was dating me. When he got with the demon girl, he became quiet, reserved, grumpy and arrogant. Jeffrey Weston, who used to be the most lovable guy in the world, had become a narcissist. And I could personally vouch for him. He was fine until she came along. Until she stole my near-perfect boyfriend out from under my nose.  »


«“That you’re a player? Jase, you have had quite a few girlfriends during your high school run. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve broken a record of some kind.” He chuckled then, though I could tell he wasn’t all that amused. “Yeah, well, maybe there’s a reason why I’ve dated so many girls.” “I know, I know. Because you can, right?” “Yeah,” he said dryly, “that’s it. Anyway, I just wanted you to know about this. I mean, I wanted to make sure you were okay with it.” He studied me for a moment. “Of course I’m okay with it. Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?” “Really? Because if you’re not—”»


«“Hey.” Jase took a step closer to me and, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder, he turned me so that I was facing him. “Cheer up, emo girl.” I couldn’t help but giggle as he pulled me into a hug. I fell into his arms willingly, burying my face in his chest. He smelled good. As good as Jeffrey always did, if not better. And he felt good too. Toned and strong. Like he could protect me from just about anything. “You’ll get your revenge,” he murmured into my ear. “I’ll make sure of it. »


«“Oh trust me, he’s pretty good. He’s been keeping a couple of mine for years.” I glanced sideways at him with my eyebrows raised. “Jase Holloway has secrets? Do tell. I’ll bet I’m even better than Eric at keeping them.” Jase snorted. “I don’t think you could handle my secrets.” »


«“Well,” Mom said, “this is certainly wonderful news. I have to admit, I always hoped this day would come. How long have you two had feelings for one another?” Resting my elbows on the table, I buried my face in my hands. Jase sat up in his chair. “I can’t speak for Lexi here, but I know I’ve had these feelings the whole time she’s been with Jeffrey. It’s been a tortuous three years, let me tell you.” »


«“So,” he said in a cool voice, staring down at me. “Jase?” “Yeah,” I said, in a voice as equally cool as his. “What of it?” His demeanor suddenly softened and he sighed. “He has a new girlfriend every other week. Doesn’t that worry you? Doesn’t that make you wonder how long you’ll last?” I blinked up at him in surprise. Was that concern I detected in his voice? “No, I’m not worried. What Jase and I have is special.” Fake-special, sure. But special nonetheless. He studied my face for a moment before saying, “It’s just that after the whole Jeffrey thing, I’m inclined to hate any guy you bring over here. Even if that guy has an incredibly hot sister.” I refrained from bursting out in laughter. “Aaron—” “I mean,” he interjected, “do you have any idea how badly I want to punch that creep in the face every time he walks by with that new skank of his?” He was talking about Jeffrey now, and he actually looked angry. My heart began to swell in my chest. My little brother was going into protective-brother mode.»


«“You want me to take you home?” I blinked up at Jase, who still had his hands on my shoulders, and shook my head. “Trish can drive me.” “Are you kidding?” He let go of me and stepped back. “It would probably ruin her newly manicured nails. Let me take you. You are, after all, my girlfriend.” I snorted as I made my way over to the passenger side of Jase’s car. “You know, we don’t need to pretend when there’s no one around to witness it.” “Maybe I like to stay in character, even when the cameras aren’t rolling,” he said as we climbed into the car.»


«“Come on, Trish, you are my total BFF. I cannot go to this party alone, I need you there. I mean, what if Jase ends up ditching me soon after we get there because some drunk, hot blonde starts coming on to him? I will be all by myself. I will have no ride home. I’ll end up drunk, and probably sleeping with some guy I’ve never spoken to, whose name I will never know. And then I’ll wind up pregnant.” I paused for a moment. “You’ll be my kid’s godmother, right?” »


«I wasn’t expecting that. “Why would you feel sorry for me?” “Because.” There was no longer any trace of humor anywhere on his face. “That loser is the only boyfriend you’ve ever had and he’s given you this false idea of what a real boyfriend is.” “Real boyfriend?” I echoed. “Yeah, a real boyfriend. A real boyfriend pays for dates. A real boyfriend doesn’t ignore you at school and hang out with his friends instead. A real boyfriend gives you compliments and tells you that you’re beautiful. A real boyfriend doesn’t dump you for some girl he doesn’t even know, after you’ve given him three years of your life. You let that guy get away with too much, and he never once thought it would be a good idea to show you how grateful he was to have you. And that’s why I feel sorry for you.”»


«But then I thought, oh, what the hell. This was it. Kylie was watching, and I had assured Jase that we would go all out with our charade tonight, so I figured we might as well just get it all over with then and there, since it was already happening. Jase must have been thinking the same thing too because he was suddenly pressing his lips harder against mine, as he reached up and dug his fingers into my hair, tilting my head, bringing my face closer to his to allow him more access. When he took one step closer to me and my back was suddenly pressed up against the wall once more, that’s when I knew things were getting a little out of hand. We weren’t supposed to be going this far. I mean, that wasn’t exactly the plan, was it? I couldn’t remember if it was or not, because my brain had gone numb right along with my body.»


«With a chuckle, he dropped my waffle onto a clean plate and then sat down across from me at the table. “ ‘Jerkface’ ? Shouldn’t we be saving all these terms of endearment for when Kylie and Jeffrey are around?” With a huff, I turned back to Trish. “Please tell your brother that if he doesn’t give me my waffle back, I’m going to tell Kylie he’s terrible in bed.” I was pleased when Jase nearly choked on his mouthful of waffle at my words. Trish almost choked as well on her juice, but that was because she was laughing.


«How could I forget my first crush?” Oh God . I could not believe I had just said that out loud. I don’t think Jase could believe it either, because I felt him freeze suddenly in my embrace. I, on the other hand, was unable to freeze, due to the fact my face was suddenly burning with embarrassment. My childhood crush on Jase was a fact I’d been planning on taking to the grave with me. So much for that. »


«“Look, girl, this is a party. You’re supposed to have fun at a party. And I can tell you’re not going to have any fun while that guy and his skanky girlfriend are all over each other. So…” She grabbed my arm once again and led me over to the counter. “Lexi, I would like to introduce you to Jell-O shots. Jell-O shots, this is Lexi.” »



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